Mozilla, With Help From AT&T And Ericsson, Create First WebPhone [VIDEO]

Mozilla wants to take the electronic heights to even newer levels. That next level is making your web browser your phone. This means Firefox would be your phone.

AT&T and Ericsson are teaming up with Mozilla to reshape the future.

The past ten years has seen a lot of change and evolution with the text message, better cell phones and the obsession with social media. It's always changing and a question on people's mind is where is it going to go next?

Once you are used to one way in your life, there is a new phenomenon sweeping the world off its feet.

The evolution of the text message, which now is a part of Facebook, which was once a part of AOL Instant Messager, is a prime example. Now add that with video, audio and the internet itself, then you have the future. The birth of the WebPhone.

Mozilla has combined Firefox's WebRTC support with Ericsson's Web Communication Gateway and AT&T's API Platform to put together a working demo of calls - both voice and video - and text messages all made from within Firefox.

This is another direction in creating the WebPhone.

Previous steps include a WebRTC video calling demo with Google. The two rivals teamed up to demo a web-based video chat.

According to, WebRTC is a proposed standard - currently being refined by the W3C - with the goal of providing a web-based set of tools that any device can use to share audio, video and data in real time. It's still in the early stages, but WebRTC has the potential to supplant Skype, Flash and many device-native apps with web-based alternatives that work on any device.

There was also the Firefox Social API, which provides the glue that brings your mobile contact info into Firefox. says "this removes the need for social websites entirely, tapping emerging web standards to create a real-time video calling, data sharing app - one part Skype, one part Facebook, all parts web-native."

WebPhone would allow you to receive messages and calls anywhere you are.

The possibilities are nearly endless of where this WebPhone can take social media, texting, phone conversations and video.

Firefox and Mozilla might not be the number one search engines and internet browsers, but this is a risk that can come with a high reward.

At the moment, there is an event in Barcelona Spain, which presents a live demonstration of the WebPhone at the Mozilla booth.

Below is a demo video of the WebPhone.

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