Brooklyn Assemblyman Makes Blackface Apology [VIDEO]

Dov Hikind, an Assemblyman from Brooklyn made had to apologize on Monday for dressing in a blackface costume during a Purim party thrown at his home.

Purim is a lesser-known holiday, celebrated by people of the Jewish faith. Hikind took to his blog and defended himself at first.

"Yes, I wore a costume on Purim and hosted a party. Most of the people who attended also wore costumes. Everywhere that Purim was being celebrated, people wore costumes. It was Purim. People dress up."

He added, "I am intrigued that anyone who understands Purim-or for that matter understands me-would have a problem with this. This is political correctness to the absurd. There is not a prejudiced bone in my body."

The costume was made up of a black Afro, an orange jersey, sunglasses and the blackface makeup.

"I was supposed to be a black basketball player," Hikind told the New York Times.

After receiving a ton of backlash for his poor taste in party costumes Hikind held a news conference where he apologized for wearing blackface.

"Anyone who was offended, I'm sorry that were offended. That was not the intention. And that's really all I can say."

People posted comments on the Jewish Dailey Forward's website both defending and sticking up for Assembly man Hikind.

"That's not an apology. He only sorry that people were offended. Reread his garbage. He's not sorry he dressed up. I never, ever want to hear another cry of "anti-Semitism" coming from this man's hypocritical mouth," said robthomaseyes.

Nathaniel D. Aiken responded, "I am black, Jewish and I don't think Mr. Hikind did anything wrong! I am also a Democrat! Remember, it was Purim. Re-read the Megillah, please."

Hilkind's fellow Democrats are not impressed with his apology, Assemblyman Karim Camara, told CNN the costume was "callous and repugnant." I don't think what he has said so far is sufficient."

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