Michelle Obama Image Altered By Iranian News Agency: Fars Photoshops First Lady's Shocking Shoulders [PHOTO]

Michelle Obama had an image from her appearance in the 2013 Oscars altered by the Iranian news agency Fars.

The altered image was taken of first lady Michelle Obama presenting the Oscar for Best picture to director Ben Affleck for the film "Argo."

"Argo" is based on a real CIA hostage rescue mission in Iran during the hostage crisis of 1979 and 1980.

According NPR, Fars has called "Argo" a "anti-Iranian film."

Michelle Obama's imaginary sleeves from the 2013 Oscars aren't the first time an Iranian news outlets have featured an altered image.

Back in 2008, news agency Agence France-Presse retracted a photo of one of Iran's controversial missile tests from the website of Sepah News, the media arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, when it was discovered the image was altered to include an extra missile.

Earlier this month, website The Aviationist reported that a photo widely circulated by Iran's government as a new Iranian stealth bomber is an altered image of a plastic plane.

"Overall, the plane seems to lack the characteristic rivets, bolts all aircraft, including stealthy ones, feature," The Aviationist wrote. "Images released so far show it as a plastic-made aircraft. The canopy lacks transparency and looks like it is made of plexiglass."

Foreign Policy adds: "It looks like the Iranians dumped some rudimentary flight controls and an ejection seat into a shell molded in what they thought were stealthy angles. The jet is so small it looks like the man is sitting in a clown car, er, clown fighter. It's seriously unlikely that such an aircraft has room to carry the avionics, radars, electronic countermeasures, heat masking gear, and, most importantly for a fighter, the weapons that make modern stealth jets effective."

Yet Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi states in a February 2 press release that Iran's new domestically-designed fighter jet the Qaher-313 (or Conqueror-313), is not a fake stealth plane at all, but a "super advanced" fighter jet capable of "evading radars...[and]carrying advanced armaments."

"The Qaher-313 can take off and land on short runways and it has easy maintenance," Vahidi said.

In light of the Michelle Obama photo altering, it would be surprising if the pilot's outfits weren't also Photoshopped.

See Michelle Obama's altered image HERE

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