The Public Responds to Jodi Arias Courtroom Testimony

After several days on the witness stand, Jodi Arias is not only still under crossfire from prosecutor Juan Martinez, but across the internet many netizens are also putting in their two-cents.

Arias admitted on the stand that she previously lied to authorities about murdering her lover, Travis Alexander, in June of 2008 claiming she was too ashamed and frightened of the consequences of her actions.

Prosecutor Martinez responded with a hint of sarcasm asking Arias, "So you're now telling the truth, right?"

And he is not the only one to be suspicious of the 32-year-old charged with first-degree murder. In an online survey by Headline News's Making It In America, responders were asked in one word to explain why Jodi Arias lied about killing her ex-boyfriend.

The comments were not kind and ranged from "sociopath" and "evil" to "shameless" and "self-preservation."

Twitter, too, has been rife with public commentary.

"#jodiarias is an exquisite liar -- just like Casey Anthony and Scott Peterson. They all believe their own lies, and can flip on a dime. LIAR" writes @Aphrodite_Jones.

Mike Watkiss (@mikewatkiss3tv) posted, "Night/day change in Juan Martinez's approach..result Martinez landing punch after punch..exposing Arias as anything but a victim."

"It was always mutual except when it wasn't, he was always nice except when he wasn't,I always told the truth except when I didn't," noted @DoctorGooFee.

The public response has indeed been overwhelming and as the trial heats up we can expect a lot more commentary to fill up our social media networks.


Arias's self-defense defense comes after years of insisting her innocence to investigators as well as her family and friends.

Alexander was stabbed 27 times, had his throat slit ear to ear, and was shot in the head.

Jodi Arias previously declared she knew nothing of the gruesome crime, then later blamed unknown masked assailants. She has now changed her defense suggesting a history of abuse with the deceased and having killed him only in self-defense.

Martinez has grilled Arias for the past three days about the inconsistency of her testimony, not just about her involvement in the crime, but about other statements she has made.

Arias claimed Alexander cheated on her many times, had an aggressive temper, and once even choked her until she blacked out. She has also previously stated he was a caring man who showered her with gifts and love. Throughout the trial she has also said that Alexander forced her to perform raunchy sex acts, saying they made her feel like a prostitute. However, phone recordings and text messages shown by the prosecution suggest that she enjoyed participating.

If convicted in the murder, Jodi Arias could face the death penalty.

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