Pat Robertson Demons May Possess Second-Hand Clothing [VIDEO]

During an episode of the "700 Club" on Monday, televangelist Pat Robertson claimed it is possible for demons to attach themselves to second-hand clothing.

The peculiar statement was a response to a concerned viewer whose mother had claimed just that. The woman called into the show to ask Robertson if what her mother said was true what she should do about it.

The religious broadcaster replied, "Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects, the answer is yes. But I don't think every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it...Hey, it ain't going to hurt anything to rebuke any spirits that happened to have attached themselves to those clothes."

This extreme claim of Goodwill demons is just the latest in a long history of contentious notions shared by the 82-year-old televangelist over the years.

As a both a commentator and a minister, Robertson has made a number of bold statements on controversial issues to garner attention and has attracted a fair amount of both criticism and support.

A Southern Baptist, Robertson has repeatedly spoken out against other faiths calling Hinduism "demonic" and Islam "satanic." He even went as far as to warn followers of other Protestants which may harbor the spirit of the anitchrist.

As the host of the "700 Club," Pat Robertson has made many other controversial statements during broadcasts.

During the September 12, 2005, less than two weeks after Hurricane Katrina, Robertson suggested the storm was God's punishment for America's tolerance of abortion.

Despite, and perhaps because of his outlandish remarks over the years, Pat Robinson has a distinguished career in the religious sector. He is the founder of Regent University and several major corporations and organizations.

You can see Pat Robertson and hear more of his opinions and musings on the nationally syndicated "700 Club" on the ABC Family channel.

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