Pat Robertson Claims Demons Lurk In Second Hand Clothing: Televangelist Tells Viewers To 'Rebuke Any Spirits In Clothes' [VIDEO]

Pat Robertson believes demons lurk in second hand clothing.

The televangelist reassured viewers on Monday's episode of "The 700 Club" that although it is possible for used clothing to be haunted by demons, it's not very common.

"The answer is yes [demons can inhabit second hand clothing] but I don't think every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it," Robertson said.

Robertson was responding to a "700 Club" viewer's question about whether clothing at Goodwill has demons lurking below the surface.

"I buy a lot of clothes and other items at Goodwill and other secondhand shops," the viewer wrote. "Recently my mom told me that I need to pray over the items, bind familiar spirits and bless the items before I bring them into the house. Is my mother correct? Can demons attach themselves to material items?"

Robertson first responded by telling the story of a Filipino woman who purchased a ring that was possessed with demons.

"I heard a story, in I believe the Philippines, a person who went to Thailand," Pat Robertson recalled. "There was a witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it. Well this Filipino girl was so attached to this ring she had to buy it. She bought it and all hell broke loose, because she finally recognized what it was."

Robertson told the "700 Club" viewer, when it comes to demons, err on the side of caution.

"In a sense your mother is just being super cautious, so hey, it isn't going hurt you any to rebuke any spirits that might attach themselves to those clothes," he said.

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