Marines T-Shirt Ban Ignites Controversy in Illinois Middle School [VIDEO]

A Marines t-shirt ban at Genoa-Kingston Middle School in Genoa, Illinois has spurred controversy across the nation.

Fourteen-year-old Michael McIntyre was told Monday to turn his shirt inside out because she felt it violated the school's dress code. The shirt in question depicts two rifles underneath the word 'Marines'. Karen Deverell, McIntyre's reading teacher, argued the shirt was "problematic" on the issue of guns.

The boy's father, Daniel McIntyre, 44, complained to news outlets that his son's Marines t-shirt ban was not fair and an exception should be made as the shirt shows his son's support for our armed forces.

He said, "My son is very proud of the Marines, and, in fact, of all the services. So he wears it with pride. There are two rifles crossed underneath the word 'Marines' on the shirt, but to me that should be overlooked. It's more about the Marines instead of the rifles."

He went on to explain that his son had worn the T-shirt to school many times before with no problems.

Superintendent Joe Burgess, said later to FOX News that the school fully supports the men and women serving in the US military and that shirt does not violate the district's dress policy.

"We've been accused of a lot of things, but our middle school is well-known for its support of the armed forces," Burgess stated. "That's why this is so disheartening to all of us."

Burgess admitted the school administrators were not even aware of the issue until contacted by FOX News regarding the incident.

The Genoa-Kingston school district later released a statement addressing the Marines T-shirt ban saying, "The administration and school handbook agree that this shirt is not a violation of the dress code. We also take school safety very earnestly and it needs to be recognized that is a topic that we also take very seriously and support our students and staff in providing a safe environment to learn, teach and work in on a daily basis."

According to the Illinois middle school's dress code, students are expected to wear clothes in a "neat, clean and well-fitting manner" and does not express anything in regards to clothing with rifle images.

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