Police Take Three Women Into Custody Believed To Be Accomplices In Last Week's Shooting On The Las Vegas Strip: Were They Prostitutes Working For Alleged Killer Kenneth Clutch?

Three women have been taken into custody in connection with last week's shooting on the Las Vegas strip that caused the car crash that killed three motorists.

According to reports, the women could allegedly be prostitutes that worked for accused shooter Ammar Harris.

Although police have not been able to nab the accused killer, they were able to find three women who rode along in Harris's SUV when he allegedly fired the gun shots that killed a man in a Maserati, who then slammed into a taxi cab, killing the driver and a passenger.

Names have not been released of the two of the alleged accomplices. Yesterday, Tineesha Lashun Howard was named as one of the passengers in the SUV. Police found her in another state.

Harris has bragged about his entrepreneurial skills in a Twitter postings attributed to Harris and reviewed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Harris brags that his house is full of women, and they're all paying him. The newspaper quoted Harris, when in August, he wrote, "There's nothing wrong with paying for (sex)...as long as you paying one of my (women)."

It is not clear if these women were in some sort of prostitution business with Harris, who some believe is their pimp.

There's also still no word on the argument between the alleged killer and driver of the Maserati, Kenneth Clutch Jr. It was after the argument that officers believed caused gunshots on the famous strip of Las Vegas.

Police have recovered the SUV.

Harris promoted himself and his wealth on a YouTube video he recorded. The video features Harris promoting how much money he has, asking viewers to count along.

No information in regards to the interview of the three women has been revealed.

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