UPDATE: Jodi Arias Murder Trial: Cross-Examination Reaches Climax When Suspect Is Forced To Recall Boyfriend's Murder, Claims To Not Remember Much [VIDEO]

The cross-examination of Jodi Arias hit its climax when the alleged murderer had to relive the alleged killing of her former lover, step-by-step.

Arias has been cross-examined by Juan Martinez, whom been trying to point out holes in Arias' story of the murder of her boyfriend, Travis Alexander.

Martinez presented Arias with a photo of Alexander, dead in the shower. She started to cry while on the witness stand, according to The Huffington Post.

"Were you crying while you were shooting him," Martinez asked.

"I don't remember," Arias said.

"Were you crying when you were stabbing him," Martinez asked.

"I don't remember," Arias replied.

"How about when you cut his throat, were you crying then," Martinez asked.

"I don't know," Arias said.

When asked about Arias using Alexander's camera, Arias couldn't fully remember again. Pictures were taken of Alexander in the shower on June 4, 2008, the day of the murder.

Arias claimed Alexander was mad that she took photos of him in the shower and even more mad when she dropped his camera. T

hat's when he proceeded to slam her to the ground.

"He body-slammed me ... on the [bathroom] tile," Arias said.

Then, Arias said she rolled out of the way, got up and ran toward his closet.

After that, Arias said she didn't look back, but assumed Alexander was behind her. That's when the alleged killing took place and she could barely remember much of what happened after.

The defense team said Arias was a sexually exploited woman, intimidated by her abusive boyfriend.

Martinez confronted Arias with her own texts to prove to the jury that this was just part of the couple's foreplay.

In a text by Arias sent to Alexander on Feb. 25, 2008, Arias wrote, "Maybe u could give my ass a much-needed pounding."

Another, sent from Alexander to Arias, read in part: "I want to f--k you like a dirty, horny little school girl."

Arias has been using the argument of Alexander's "sex abuse" and said he had a sexual attraction to children. Martinez continued to try and prove his point to the jurors that she as much in on their sex life as he was.

The trial is currently in progress, following a recess at 2 p.m. The cross-examination will continue.

If guilty, Arias could face the death penalty.

Video of Arias singing contest in jail

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