Jennifer Lawrence Without Makeup And Smoking Weed In Hawaii [VIDEO]

Photos of the Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence without makeup and relaxing in Hawaii smoking what appears to be a joint, hit the internet late Thursday.

After a hectic awards season, that culminated in her win for Best Actress, the 22-year-old appears to be unwinding and enjoying herself in Hawaii.

"The Silver Lining's Playbook" star was spotted on the balcony of her hotel room kicking back and chatting with a friend. Lawrence, seen fresh-faced and wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, was reportedly drinking wine and smoking something that looked like a marijuana cigarette.

In the past, this sort of celebrity behavior has been looked down upon by members of the media, but Lawrence seems to be the exception to the rule. Gilbert Cruz of New York magazine condoned the Oscar winner saying, "If Jennifer Lawrence wants to chill with some weed and wine, then Jennifer Lawrence can chill with some weed and wine."

But it is not just rest and relaxation for the actress, who is on currently on location for the filming of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

Immediately following the Academy Awards, she dyed her hair back to brown and left for the set of the sequel film. "[We'll be there for] two weeks," she told reporters at Sunday night's Oscars. "[It's] not reshoots, they're just scenes we haven't finished."

Jennifer Lawrence has been winning the hearts of fans worldwide, not just for her acting, but also for her candid charm and honesty.

In a recent interview with Billy Bush of Access Hollywood, the actress talked openly about her new Christian Dior ad campaign and Photoshop. "That doesn't look like me at all!" she exclaimed when Bush showed her some of the pictures. "I love Photoshop more than anything in the world."

However much Jennifer Lawrence appreciates the photo editing tool, it is certainly clear that even without makeup, this star's beauty shines.

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