Blue Angels Canceled, Sequester Cuts Lead to End of Navy's Aviation Squad

The US Navy's Blue Angels aviation squad might be canceled in the possible sequestration cuts.

The $85 billion in automatic cuts due to take effect on Friday if a deal is not reached during the meeting between President Obama and congressional leaders today.

If the spending cuts are carried out, the Navy anticipates cutting about $12 billion in spending by the end of his year. This will force the renowned flight demonstration squadron to halt all shows indefinitely.

The Blue Angels shows scheduled in more than two dozen cities between April and September are expected to be canceled due to the cuts, said the team's spokeswoman, Lieutenant Katie Kelly. Several air shows featuring the Blue Angels already have been called off in the face of budget uncertainties.

Lieutenant John Supple, a spokesman for Chief of Naval Air Training in Texas, said the flying team would have to be put on hold, at the very least, for "making sure ships are seaworthy and planes are airworthy for the war fighters who are operating overseas," according to Reuters.

"People plan their annual family trips around the shows and the impact on business is phenomenal," Ashton Hayward, mayor of Pensacola added. "If the Blue Angels end, it's going to be a sad, sad day for not just us, but for millions of people all over the country."

The grounding of the team will be a sentimental loss for fans but not as serious as other reductions to defense spending. The Defense Department said the budgets cuts would curb ship and aircraft maintenance, reduce training periods and result in 22 days' unpaid leave for most of the Pentagon's 800,000 civilian employees.

Air Force officials shared that air shows can cost an air base a minimum of $100,000. The budget cut will stop operations of both the Air Force air demonstration team, known as the Thunderbirds, and Blue Angels for the rest of the year.

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