Soft Drink Ban in New York in Fight Against Obesity, 'Obesity is One of America's Most Deadly Problems'

Earlier in the week, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg stated the ban on soft brink larger than 16 ounces will go into effect March 12.

Last year September the measure to enforce smaller cup for soft drinks was approved by New York City's board of Health, as the super-sized soft drinks became the leading cause of obesity.

"It's time to face the facts: Obesity is one of America's most deadly problems, and sugary beverages are a leading cause of it," Bloomberg stated last year.

A new Quinnipiac poll reveals 51 percent of New York City voters are disapproved of the band, compared to 46 percent.

Restaurants, movie theater, foods cars and other vendors in two weeks is to be regulated by the city health department to stop selling soda and sweetened beverages in containers larger than 16 ounces.

"The state should do exactly the same thing in stores," Bloomberg said, according to the New York Daily News.

According to the city, 58% of New Yorkers are overweight or obsess and nearly 40% of the city's public school children are obese or overweight. Supporters of this measure blame the soft drinks for much of the problem, saying Americans consume an average of 40 gallons of sugary soda per person per year.

Authorities in Washington D.C. are looking to implement a ban on soda-dispensing vending machines in public middle schools and high schools.

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