Baby Found in Subway is Later Adopted by Couple

A baby was found in a subway with his umbilical cord still attached in Manhattan by Danny Stewart twelve years ago. The story is heartwarming as he decided to adopt the child.

Stewart discovered the baby on his way home, at first he thought was a doll abandoned in a subway however soon realized that in fact was a baby with his umbilical cord attached.

Soon called the police and phoned Mercurio as he shouted, "I found a baby! I called 911, but I don't think they believed me."

The coupled waited for the authorities to come and take the baby to safety and later was reported by local media that he probably saved the baby's life.

Stewart appeared in family court three months after finding the baby to provide his account of the story, at which point was asked by the judge if he wanted to adopt the child.

The boy later named Kevin was adopted by Stewart in December 2000 after finding him abandoned in the subway that August.

After deciding to adopt the baby without first consulting his partner Peter Mercuiro upset him. However when he realized that this might be the only way they could have a child together he agreed.

Kevin asked the judge that granted his parents' custody of him to marry them after New York legalized gay marriage. The judge happily accepted the marriage request. The entire wonderful story can be read here written by Mercurio.

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