Ryan Seacrest Wedding Rumors Dodged at 'American Idol' Event

Ryan Seacrest has been quiet about his wedding rumors with girlfriend, Julianne Hough, of nearly three years.

"American Idol" and radio show host has been dating actress since spring 2010, however there is no confirmation of the two tying the knot, yet.

Friday's event of promoting "Idol Across America" was no exception as Seacrest when asked about "Are you getting married?" he coyly replied back and forth "are you?" for a bit before the question was dropped.

Seacrest wedding rumors so far have only been rumors. He has been coy about his relationship with Hough although the couple seems comfortable with how things are. Fans are clearly eager to see where the relationship heads next since things in Hollywood move faster than in real life, so a three-year relationship should have translated to a wedding by now.

For now Seacret wedding rumors will continue. And he was in New York on Friday to kick off "Idol Across America," which is similar to the Olympic torch relay, but with a microphone in 13 cities where it will visit landmarks. Fans will be able to watch and interact with the mic as it makes his way toward Hollywood to pick the next American Idol.

"It's going to be cool because as the microphone comes through each city, it will be run by fans of the show, local heroes, inspirational figures, celebrities and then it will end up on our stage in Hollywood."

The 24-year-old actress seemed to just laugh it off whenever she is asked about their marriage plans. However she did reveal that Seacrest enjoys celebrating Valentine's Day to express his love.

"[Ryan likes] surprising me and ending up at a restaurant and having the place cleared out and rose petals and stuff like that," said the star while speaking to People magazine earlier this year.

"This year I think it will be more understated," added Hough. "I have no idea [about Valentine's Day plans]. He likes to do Valentine's Day."

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