New Born Baby Found Abandoned On Subway

Twelve years ago Peter Mercurio and Daniel Stewart became the adoptive parents of a baby left abandoned on the subway in New York City

On his way home from work Daniel Stewart found a tiny one-day old baby on the floor of the subway underneath the turnstile. At first Stewart thought the baby was a doll, when he got a closer look he realized the doll was in fact a real-life baby boy. His umbilical cord was still attached.

"Danny Called me that day frantic, I found a baby he shouted," Stewarts partner Peter Mercurio said to the NY Times.

"The baby, who had been left on the ground in a corner behind the turnstiles, was light brown skinned and quiet, probably about a day old, wrapped in an over size black sweatshirt. What neither of us knew, or could have predicted, was that Danny had not just saved an abandoned infant, he had found our son," Mercurio added.

At first the pair was glad to have helped the child, who was sent to foster care.  They did not want to become attached to the child, but that would change after Daniel Stewart went to court to testify about finding the child.

The Judge shocked the courtroom when she asked if the pair wanted to adopt the child. "Yes" Stewart replied, apparently the only person in the room who was not stunned by what the judge had asked.

When the pair had gone back a week later to declare their intention to adopt, the judge shocked everyone again when she asked the pair if they would want the baby for the upcoming Christmas holiday.

The pair was able to adopt their son, named Kevin. When gay marriage was legalized in New York the judge that allowed for Daniel and Peter to adopt Kevin, preformed the ceremony.

Peter Mercurio and Daniel Stewart have turned their experience into a book, appropriately titled "Found."

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