Ann Romney Blames Media For Mitt Romney's 2012 Presidential Election Loss, Claims "People Weren't Allowed To See...Who He Really Was"

Anne Romney, the wife of the former Republican candidate for President Mitt Romney, blames the media for her husband's loss in the 2012 election.

In an interview with Fox News, Ann and Mitt Romney opened up about election night and assigned blame for Romney's loss to Obama.

"I'm happy to blame the media," Ann Romney said. "People weren't allowed to see him for who he really was."

The blame for Romney's loss may not lie with the media and campaign, as Ann Romney suggests. The problem may be that the voters did see the real Mitt Romney. Romney came off as less than human during his campaign, and his choice for Vice President did not help his cause. 

Paul Ryan was Romney's pick for Vice President and his choice may have cost him the election. Like most Republicans, Ryan is an anti-abortion advocate. However his comments regarding women, abortion and rape left many voters with an uneasy feeling.

"I've always adopted the idea that the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life," Ryan said in a pre-election interview.

Another comment that may have caused Mitt Romney to lose the election came from the man himself.   

In an Obama campaign ad Romney tells a reporter, "The actions I'll take immediately are to remove funding for Planned Parenthood." In the same ad, Romney also says, "Do I believe the Supreme Court should over turn Roe vs. Wade, yes."

Romney would go on during his campaign to make other derogatory remarks regarding America's minorities, when he was secretly recorded talking about the 47% of Americans who feel they are "entitled to healthcare, to food, and to housing."

In their interview with Fox News, Ann Romney was asked if she believed the media was favoring Barack Obama.

"We of course on our side believe that there is more bias in favor of the other side. I think that is a pretty universally felt opinion."

Maybe Mrs. Romney should look to her husband when assigning blame for the lost election. The blame for Mitt Romney's loss in the presidential elections may lie in the public's desire to protect their civil rights in a time of economic crisis, and not in the media's alleged objective to make Romney look bad.

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Mitt Romney
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