‘SNL’ On The Sequester: Jay Pharoah’s Obama Explains Government Job Cuts With Help Of Village People [VIDEO]

President Barack Obama, played by Jay Pharoah, opened up the SNL skit on the sequester this Saturday, March 2.

SNL's Barack Obama explained how most Americans would be impacted by the sequester that went into effect last Friday, in a comedic press conference mirroring President Obama's actual press conference from the White House Friday.

The sequester is an $85 million in federal budget cuts that took effect by default because lawmakers failed to reach a compromise.

Jay Pharoah's Barack Obama said in the SNL skit, "I could explain it in financial terms or in human terms. But since I have no idea how money works or how budgets work, I'll go with human terms instead."

Pharoah's Obama enlisted the help of a Border Patrol agent, an astronaut, a zookeeper, and the Village People to show the different government agencies that would be forced to enact job cuts.

Pharoah's Obama tried to sympathize with Americans, and show that everyone's in the same situation and will have to cut back.

"From now on, my wife Michelle will only do four television appearances a week, down from her usual 75," he said.

He continued with a darkly comedic statement, "Nine months from now, you won't remember this sequester. There'll be another, way worse financial crisis to deal with."

Real-life politician and speaker of the House John Boehner says he is unsure that the sequester will actually have a negative impact, explaining, "I don't know whether it's going to hurt the economy or not. I don't think anyone quite understands how the sequester is really going to work."

Obama said in a press conference on Friday at the White House that he is concerned that eventually, middle-class families will feel the pain of the budget cuts.

He said, "What's important to understand is that not everyone will feel the pain of these cuts right away. The pain, though, will be real. Beginning this week, many middle-class families will have their lives disrupted in significant ways."

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