UPDATE: Jodi Arias Murder Trial Defendants Question The Alleged Killer

The Jodi Arias murder trial has reached a new chapter today as it is defendants turn to question Arias.

Arizona defense attorney Kurt Nurmi will try and redirect the prosecution's aim to prove brutal attack on Alexander inside his Mesa home on June 4, 2008 was first-degree murder and not self-defense.

Last week, the prosecutor, Juan Martinez cross-examined Arias for multiple days. During that time, Arias revealed a kinky sex life between herself and the deceased boyfriend, Travis Alexander.

Arias failed to recall everything that took place, but after being slammed by Alexander, she ran to a closet, where she grabbed the gun that was used to shoot Alexander. She said she had no memory of stabbing him 27 times.

Martinez also pointed out holes in Arias' story, which proved that she lied multiple times about what occurred almost five years ago.

The prosecution is hoping the verdict determines Arias guilty of murder and that Arias intended on murdering her boyfriend. If this happens, Arias may face the death penalty.

After a 15 minute delay, the Huffington Post reported that Arias is testifying about how she cut her hand on a glass at a restaurant she worked at as a waitress. She said she took photos of these injuries with her hand. Prosecutors believe that Arias' finger was not injured prior to the murder.

She went on to testify that Alexander made her a splint, in which the Huffington Post reports Alexander as saying it was "endearing" of what Alexander did.

Nurmi went on to show a text message Arias sent to Alexander, stating that he is an "amazing friend." He would reply, claiming Arias to be his "light and inspiration."

On a note left at Alexander's memorial, Arias would write to Alexander, telling him he's "beautiful inside and out."

"Did you mean that?," Nurmi asked.

"Yes," Arias replied.

Arias claims that the two had a rocky-relationship. She told Nurmi that at times, Alexander made her feel like a goddess.

"In terms of your relationship with Mr. Alexander there were times when you were way up on this pedestal and there were other times where you were on the ground being kicked, right?," Nurmi asked.

"Yes," Arias replied.

The defendants are trying to show that this relationship wasn't one-sided in that Arias had it out for Alexander. The prosecution believes Arias was jealous of a relationship Alexander was having with another woman and that she had planned this murder.

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