12-Week Abortion Ban Vetoed by Arkansas Governor 'Blatantly' Unconstitutional Bill

The 12-weeks abortion ban was vetoed by Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe Monday that would have been the most restrictive anti-abortion proposal in the nation.

The 12-week ban included exceptions for rape, incest, life of the mother and highly lethal fetal disorders.

Beebe said the legislation "blatantly contradicts the United States Constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme Court," in a statement. Using the same reason he did a week earlier vetoing a 20-week abortion ban however it was quickly overturned by Arkansas legislature.

"Because it would impose a ban on a woman's right to choose an elective, nontherapeutic abortion well before viability, Senate Bill 134 blatantly contradicts the United States Constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme Court," Beebe said in his veto letter.

"When I was sworn in as Governor I took an oath to preserve, protect, and defend both the Arkansas Constitution and the Constitution of the United States. I take that oath seriously," the governor added.

Beebe continued that unconstitutional bills would be costly to taxpayers.

"It has been suggested that outside groups might represent the State for free in any litigation challenging the constitutionality of Senate Bill 134, but even if that were to happen, that would only lessen the State's own litigation costs," Beebe wrote. "Lawsuits challenging unconstitutional laws also result in the losing party, in this case the state, being ordered to pay the costs and attorneys' fees incurred by the litigants who successfully challenge the law. Those costs and fees can be significant."

The Senate will begin an override attempt on the 12-week ban on Tuesday. A simple majority is required from both chambers to have the override be successful.

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