Hugo Chavez Dead After Struggle With Cancer For 2 Years, 'We Must Unite Now More Than Ever'

Hugo Chavez has died after a long struggle with cancer, announced Vice President Nicola Maduro on Tuesday.

The emotional Maduro announced the president's death in a national broadcast at 3:55 p.m. ET.

Flanked by Cabinet ministers Maduro said, "We must unite now more than ever."

Earlier the 58-year-old leader was reported to have a new severe respiratory infection and is in a "very delicate" state.

Information Minister Ernesto Villegas yesterday said Chavez was "standing by Christ and life, conscious of the difficulties he faces."

Despite having the Venezuelans belief in his survival Chavez died "after battling a tough illness for nearly two years."

Chavez battling cancer hasn't spoken publicly since his December 11 surgery in Cuba. The government reportedly shared that he has been breathing only with the help of a tracheal tube after surviving a serious respiratory infection.

Chavez hasn't been seen or heard from since his fourth round of surgery as he was diagnosed with an unspecified cancer in the pelvic area in June 2011.

"Our people can count on having a government of men and women committed to protecting them," Maduro said.

According to the constitution, the head of Venezuela's Congress, Diosdado Cabello, will assume the interim presidency before an election is held.

Hugo Chavez
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