25 Hospitals Turn Man Down 36 Times in 2 Hours Dies in Ambulance in Japan

25 hospitals reportedly turned a 75-year-old Japanese man down 36 times over two-hour period.

The unidentified man died in the ambulance as he was rejected due to lack of beds or doctors to treat him, an official said Tuesday.

The elder man, who lived alone in Kuki, Saitama Prefecture, located north of Tokyo called for help after experiencing breathes problems and chest pains on January 6.

Paramedics quickly responded, however 25 hospitals in the area turned him down for lack of space or doctors available and that they were unable to provide treatment. Some hospitals were contacted several times only to hear the same reason again.

The ambulance in a desperate attempt drove 20 minutes to a hospital in the Ibaraki Prefecture that would have taken him, unfortunately the man died shortly after arrival.

One of the paramedics told Jiji Press they had never experienced "a patient being rejected so many times."

Officials in Kuki have urged local hospitals to improve their emergency room capacity. But healthcare operators can become increasingly strained in the future, as the elderly population increases, in combination with a declining birthrate, means there is an upside-down triangle formed, where the younger generations aren't as able to take care of the older.

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