Russell Crowe UFO Sighting: Les Mis Star Claims He Caught UFO On Film When Searching For Fruit Bats In Australia [VIDEO]

Russell Crowe spotted a UFO that he captured on film outside his office in Australia late on Tuesday, March 5.

Russell Crowe, of Les Miserables and Gladiator, claims he saw a flash (the UFO) cut across his office in Woolloomooloo, Australia.

He had set up a camera to capture fruit bats rising from the botanical gardens, when what Crowe claims was a UFO flew across the screen.

Russell Crowe tweeted about the UFO, "A friend and I set camera to capture fruit bats rising from Botanical Gardens, this was a big surprise." In the tweet, Crowe included a link to the YouTube video of the alleged UFO under the username ParallelUniverse1234.

His camera, a Canon 5D, didn't have a flash. So, he was correct when he claimed that the image across the three photos he took "can't be a lens flare because it moves, camera is fixed."

He posted the photos, spaced 4.5 seconds apart, online in a YouTube video.

Crowe addressed the minor editing that the photos and video had undergone, "I will grant you at the time the music wasn't playing, also, yes, we have pushed in on the frame...this is 3 photo's in order, nothing added."

YouTube commenters immediately set out to cast doubt on the likelihood of Crowe's UFO's being legitimate space creatures.

"OK kiddies, get ya google maps out, and zoom in on finger wharf 10 in Woolloomooloo, Sydney. Russ's place is near the end of the wharf, the shot is taken looking west towards the botanic gardens and Mrs. Macquarie's Rd..." wrote bernzeppi.

The commenter continued, "In the video you see 2 cars drive along Mrs. Macquaries Rd, keeping in mind it's a time lapse shot with the shutter open for a number of seconds. The 'UFO' lights are a yacht passing in the foreground...there are lots of millionaires yachts moored there."

Another YouTube commenter said simply, "It could have been more believable without all the editing. Just raw footage would have made it viral. Anyways, loved you in Les Mis."

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Russell Crowe
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