Taco Bell Delay of Cool Ranch Doritos Causes Fans to Express Disappointment, 'Failed Marketing Attempt'

Taco Bell delay in the launch of highly-anticipated new tacos made of Cool Ranch Doritos had fans disappointed.

The fast-food chain earlier this week announced the debut of Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos scheduled for Wednesday on their Facebook page a day earlier than planned stating, "You can buy Cool Ranch DLT on March 6th!"

However later fans began posting on the company's Facebook complaining some of the local franchises apparently didn't have the Doritos Locos Tacos. Instead were told by local employees the tacos wouldn't be available until Thursday.

"My son and I also have no cool ranch Doritos taco today either! Failed marketing attempt you have here!" reads a post from user Russell S. Reynolds.

Fans wrote "VERY disappointed!" and "Boo to you." Another user posted, "Urbana Ohio Taco Bell told me they would not be selling them till tomorrow because they are a franchise and not a corporate store (sic)."

In the midst of disappointments some said they accomplished in receiving the item.

"Got one at the Taco Bell at San Mateo and Osuna in Albuquerque. Delicious!" Facebook user Emily Anderson Aragon said.

Taco Bell owned by Kentucky-based Yum! Brands issued an apology in a statement. A spokeswoman noted that the early launch was at participating restaurants but noted the complaints could be fairly isolated issues. She said customers should call ahead to verify their locations had the tacos.

The Nacho Cheese-flavored Doritos Locos Taco sold more than 350 million in less than a year. It plans to keep rolling out new flavors, including a spicy "Flamas" later this year.

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