UPDATE Jodi Arias Murder Trial: Jury Questions Arias About The Day Of The Murder

On Wednesday in the Jodi Arias murder trial Wednesday the jury was allowed to ask questions Arias questions about the day of the murder.

Seattlepi.com reports that around 100 questions were asked toward Jodi Arias.

Judge Sherry Stephens read the questions aloud to Arias, forcing her to answer more questions about what happened on the day of her boyfriend Travis Alexander's murder in 2008.

A jury is allowed ask questions of witnesses during a criminal trial.

One question SeattlePI said asked why Arias didn't call the police if Alexander was physically abusive toward her in their relationship. No answer has been provided, but SeattlePI reports that Arias gave brief answers to the jury's questions.

Arias is on trial for the alleged murder of Travis Alexander. If found guilty of first-degree murder, Arias can face the death penalty as her punishment. For over two weeks, Arias has faced questioning from the prosecution, defendants and jury.

During the murder, Arias claims to run away from Alexander, who had slammed her to the ground moments before. The jury then asked about why she ran to the closet, grabbed the gun and shot him in what the defendants called, "self-defense."

"I just had the sense he was chasing me," Arias said to the jury.

Arias claimed that Alexander was enraged when she dropped his camera. He then, picked her up and body-slammed her to the ground, causing a head injury.

Arias allegedly took photos of Alexander after he was dead. The jury questioned her about that and why she decided to clean up the mess.

"I don't know why I would have done that," Arias replied.

Arias has changed her story about what really happened before, during and after the murder. But since the start of the trial, she and the defense have stuck with the defense that boyfriend Travis Alexander was abusive towards her.

According to SeattlePI, Arias did not provide any significant new details about the case.

The prosecution in the murder case is claiming that Arias was jealous of Alexander and a new relationship.

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