LaBeouf Knocks Baldwin – Twitter Battle Goes Way Beyond 'Creative Differences'

Shia LaBeouf knocks Baldwin as their "Tweet War" continues.

LaBeouf is still firing back at veteran actor Alec Baldwin in their very intense, and very public, Twitter fight.

The feud began when Shia dropped out of the Broadway show "Orphans" shortly before it was set to begin. At the time LaBeouf cited "creative differences" and ultimately decided to leave the show.

Baldwin had said then that he thought the "Transformers" star was a great actor and had nothing bad to say about him or his decision to leave the cast of "Orphans."

But the peace did not last long.

Soon after, the "30 Rock" actor said that perhaps LaBeouf was not meant for the theater. He then made a rather nasty comment comparing LaBeouf to someone who wants the applause but doesn't want to work for it.

Baldwin also suggested that unlike other actors who have had successful careers on both stage and screen, Shia LaBeouf is a "pure film actor."

LaBeouf responded to some of the 54-year-old actor's criticisms of him.

He posted a letter from the "Orphans" director that noted he was "more prepared" than Alec.

The youngster then knocked Baldwin for his age, responding to a tweet by the latter saying he was tired. LaBeouf pointed out that he is only 26 and does not get tired. He followed up by referring to Baldwin as "chief."

And it doesn't end there. The response from Alec was clear, he's not a "fu***n" chief.

Baldwin also went on to further criticize his former co-star by saying, "I can tell you that, in all honesty, I don't think he's in a good position to be giving interpretations of what the theater is and what the theater isn't," Baldwin said. "I mean, he was never in the theater. He came into a rehearsal room for six or seven days."

Even though a replacement has been found for LaBeouf's role in "Orphans" (Ben Foster), the Twitter name-calling is far from over.

What can we expect when LaBeouf knocks Baldwin back again?

Shia LaBeouf
Alec Baldwin
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