Romney Employed By Son, Mitt Is Answering to Tagg Now

Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney is now employed by his son, Tagg, at Solamere Capital.

Solamere is and investment firm that was co-founded by Tagg Romney and on Wednesday it was reported that Mitt "will serve part of the time as chairman of the executive committee."

Since the November election, Mitt has maintained an office at the company but it was uncertain whether or not he would eventually end up on the payroll. The new job was confirmed today by a source close to the former governor.

The Romneys have always presented themselves as a tight-knit family, so father and son working side-by-side is no real shock. However, now Mitt must answer to Tagg.

Immediately following his failed run for President, the elder Romney took some time off to get his affairs in order and relax. Now, about four months later, he is ready to get back to work. Sources say he will be working in an advisor capacity and only for about one week per month.

Mitt is expected only to offer his insight into matters of private equity. There are no plans for him to fundraise for the firm.

This is the first time in more than a decade that Mitt Romney will be involved in the private equity industry. The last time was with his highly publicized company, Bain Capital.

This is also technically the first time he has been employed since his stint as Massachusetts governor ended in 2007 - not counting campaigning, of course.

The Obama campaign spent a lot of time and effort presenting the Republican candidate as a ruthless capitalist who destroyed jobs in an effort to make more money himself. Perhaps Mitt sees his new position as an opportunity to reshape his image as a businessman.

Solamere Capital was founded in 2008 by Tagg Romney, Eric Scheurmann, and Spencer Zwick. The private equity firm is headquartered in Boston and strives to "access and execute superior private investments."

Mitt Romney starts work this month.  

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