Loyal Dog Prevents Suicide: German Shepherd Jumps In Front Of 63-Year-Old Owner’s Gun, Blocking Near-Fatal Shot

A loyal dog prevents the suicide of his owner by jumping in front of its owner's gun before the almost-fatal shot was fired in a news story that broke yesterday, March 6.

The loyal dog prevented the suicide of a yet-unnamed 63-year-old woman living in France with her husband, according to iScienceTimes.

The woman reportedly fired her husband's .22-caliber rifle outside near the loyal dog a few times, as if testing it.

When she turned the gun to point it at herself, the loyal dog, a German Shepherd, lunged at her, knocking the woman and rifle off-balance and only causing a flesh wound instead of the woman's suicide.

The loyal dog prevented the suicide of its owner, and the dog's heroic act was immediately recognized.

A police officer told The Telegraph, "At the moment she pulled the trigger, her dog jumped on her and diverted the shot. [The dog] probably sensed things and knocked into her to save her."

The woman's husband reportedly found her shortly after the loyal dog prevented the suicide, and he immediately called the police. Doctors say the woman's wound isn't life threatening.

This suicide prevention by a loyal dog is the latest in a number of 'dog rescue' stories that have broken recently.

Last Friday, a puppy saved a 3-year-old Poland girl after she got lost in the forest. The mutt reportedly stayed with the toddler all night, saving her from freezing to death.

Rescue personnel found the girl the morning after her disappearance, shivering and suffering from frostbite. The rescuers were reportedly drawn to the girl because of the dog's barking.

A fireman who rescued the girl said, "It is thanks to this dog that the girl survived the night."

According to the girl's grandmother, the 3-year-old and her puppy savior are now inseparable. 

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