Erin Andrews Says 50 Cent Kiss Was Her Fault: [VIDEO]

Erin Andrews says her turn-down of 50 Cent kiss was "her fault."

"It was my fault!" she told "Access Hollywood" on Tuesday. "Everybody was supposed to be in their spot and then they all went to the bathroom and I was screwed," she said, referring to the Daytona drivers.

Since she had to kill time and the camera needed to shoot something, the Fox Sports reporter spotted the rapper in the crowd.

"I went and said hello [to him]. We're actually business partners ," Andrews said. "He grabbed me, I went one way, they screamed 'Danica,' I whipped my neck, I got whiplash and it's fine."

Whiplash of 50's failed kiss went viral and media and social media poked fun at the entrepreneur.

Prior to the race, 50 tweeted, "I'm the only black guy in here! Lol." Following the race he tweeted, ""Hey I wanted to kiss her so I did."

He showed he didn't care about any response from anybody else.

 "I went one way, he went the other," Andrews later explained to "Extra" about the kiss. "They're screaming in my ear, 'Danica! Danica! Go get Danica!' I whipped my neck. I made him look bad. But he's my partner in the energy drink and we all know what 50 did with Vitamin Water and I hope this does just as well."

Erin Andrews is a spokeswoman for SK Energy, which is an energy drink cofounded by 50 Cent.

She worked at ESPN until the summer of 2012. While there, she covered all sports.

During her time with ESPN, she was force to deal with a stalker even more agressive than 50 Cent.

In 2008, David Barrett followed Andrews to several hotels and filming her covertly. One of the videos went viral, which featured Andrews naked. The broadcaster sucessfully sued Barrett, the hotel where she was staying and others involved with letting Barrett know when she was going to be arriving.

Barrett served a 30-month prison sentence for stalking Andrews.

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