Bill O'Reilly Says 'Enough!' – Funny, We've Been Saying That To Him For Years

Bill O'Reilly said he was sorry for calling guest Alan Colmes a liar, but the apology came in the middle of a typical O'Reilly tirade, so is he serious?

Bill O'Reilly was in a tizzy Wednesday night while discussing President Obama's approach to spending cuts.

His temper rose higher when his guest, Alan Colmes, stated that Obama said that he would cut entitlements, among them, Medicare. The host immediately got upset, slammed his fist on the table and snapped at Colmes, "You are lying here."

O'Reilly mentioned the interaction on Thursday's "The O'Reilly Factor."

"Lots of folks talking about my shootout with Alan Colmes last night where I asked him what specific - specific - budget cuts President Obama has proposed," he said. "Colmes hemmed and hawed saying the president's promising to cut Medicare, or something. But the truth is Mr. Obama has not put forth any specific federal spending cuts. It's all a bunch of general nonsense and so Colmes and I got into it. Even though I'm sorry I said Alan was lying - I should not have used that word - I'm glad the exposition occurred."

He went on about the nation's rising debt, calling it "economic madness." He also said he needs to raise his voice "to get everyone's attention" about the President's behavior.

"The President of the United States is not looking out for the country right now," Bill O'Reilly continued. "He is hell-bent on destroying the Republican Party and he does not seem to care if the nation collapses as a result."

Later on in the show, O'Reilly faced off with guest Kirsten Powers over the issue. Powers reiterated Colmes' argument from the previous day, telling O'Reilly that Obama has proposed spending cuts. She held up a piece of paper which she said detailed $400 billion in health care cuts that the White House wanted to make. "You need to admit you are wrong," she said. "You are wrong about this and now you're playing a game."

"This is where you and I will never agree," O'Reilly said in response.

Bill O'Reilly is a FOX News host and political commentator known for his extreme opinions and flaring up at guests. He often speaks out against President Obama and other politicians and has been the center of many public criticisms due to his strong bias and penchant for lashing out at guests.

O'Reilly, however, has repeatedly called himself an "independent" claiming not to belong to one political party or another.

In general, public opinion of the news channel host is split. On one side, he is wildly popular with millions of fans tuning in to his show every day. On the other hand, websites like www. exist...

Bill O'Reilly started Thursday's episode of The O'Reilly Factor off with the statement, "Enough! Enough!" and whether you love him or hate him, we can all probably say the same thing.

You can watch the "O'Reilly Factor" segment below.

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