2016 Presidential Poll Results: Hillary Clinton Clear Frontrunner, Trumps All Competition Including GOP Favorites Chris Christie, Marco Rubio

A 2016 Presidential Poll reveals that the frontrunner to take the presidency after Obama's last term is Hillary Clinton according to a study released on Thursday, March 7.

Hillary Clinton, frontrunner to the 2016 Presidential poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, is the former Senator of New York and Secretary of State during Obama's first term.

Clinton would defeat any Republican challengers, according to the presidential poll.

Clinton placed ahead of even GOP star and Hurricane Sandy Hero Chris Christie, the governor who led his state, New Jersey, through the devastating super-storm.

"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would start a 2016 presidential campaign with enormous advantages," claimed the Quinnipiac polling institute assistant director Peter Brown.

"She obviously is by far the best known, and her more than 20 years in the public spotlight allows her to create a very favorable impression on the American people," he explained.

Matchups within the 2016 presidential poll showed that Hillary Clinton would beat Chris Christie at 45 percent to 37 percent of the vote, and would defeat Mitt Romney running mate Paul Ryan 50 percent to 38 percent.

The GOP's other rising star, Marco Rubio, would lose to Clinton by a 16-point margin: 50 percent to 34 percent.

However, Clinton's win in the 2016 presidential poll does not appear to be determined by her political party.

Other Democrats didn't fare as well as Clinton in the 2016 presidential poll; Vice President Joe Biden would lose to Christie 40 percent to 43 percent, and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo would lose to Christie 28 percent to 45 percent.

Another 2016 presidential poll conducted by Public Policy Polling confirmed that Hillary Clinton would be the "ideal Democratic presidential candidate."

President of Public Policy Polling Dean Debnam said in January, "As expected, Hillary Clinton would be the ideal Democratic presidential candidate in 2016."

He continued to say, "But if Chris Christie could win the GOP nomination, he'd be a formidable [2016] general election candidate."

Clinton has stated that she has no plans to run for president in 2016, but her website was recently revamped to feature an image of herself looking at a point far away, her name in bold print, contact information, and nothing else.

Perhaps the image means Hillary Clinton has her eyes on the 2016 election, three years away. 

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Hillary Clinton
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