International Women’s Day: Celebrate and Empower Women in Various Fields

March 8, Friday is International Women's Day where woman all around the world celebrate women, raise awareness of women's rights and make positive steps towards greater empowerment of women.

President Obama said in a statement, "Empowering women isn't just the right thing to do - it's the smart thing to do.

"When women succeed, nations are more safe, more secure, and more prosperous.  Over the last year, we've seen women and girls inspiring communities and entire countries to stand up for freedom and justice, and I'm proud of my Administration's efforts to promote gender equality worldwide."

The first Women's day was held on 1909 in the United States, back then it was about women's right to work in fair conditions, compensations. Now it represents a movement that is for every woman and girl.

First Lady Michelle Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry were scheduled to present "International Women of Courage" awards on Friday to 10 women at the State Department, as part of the administration's celebration.

"We are promoting food security initiatives that recognize the rights and needs of women farmers, and ensuring that women and girls are at the center of global health programs.  And we will continue to focus on empowering women and girls at home and abroad," he said. "We've also worked with a wide range of partners - from the United Nations and civil society groups to the private sector -  to advance this important agenda.  Because when it comes to creating a world in which our sons and daughters can reach their potential, we each have a role to play.  And we can make even more progress together."

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