Mariano Rivera Retiring At The End Of This Season, 'Last Pitch In The World Series'

Mariano Rivera the 43-year-old relief pitcher for the New York Yankees has decided to retire at the end of this season.

Rivera has spent 18 seasons with the New York Yankees and would have retired at the end of last season if a spring training injury had not forced him to miss most of the season.

"It's not too easy when you come to a decision like this, but I would love to say it has been a privilege and honor to wear the pin-stripped uniform," Rivera said in a press conference held at the George M Steinbrenner field in Tampa Florida.

Mariano Rivera helped the Yankees win 5 World Series Championships during his career and is a 12 time all star. He has 608 career saves.

"It's official now," he told reporters, "After this year I will be retiring."

Baseball experts and fans alike regard Mariano Rivera as one of the most dominant relievers in Major League Baseball history. He perfected a type of pitching style called 'the cutter.' He is a master at getting the ball to go exactly where he wants it to go.

Rivera made a career out of using only one pitch, every once in a while he will throw an 85 to 88 mph fast ball to confuse the batter. To many fans Rivera is a lock to be entered into the baseball hall of fame.

But he isn't gone yet Rivera still has one more season with the New York Yankees and he is planning on winning a sixth World Series with his teammates.

"The last game I hope will be throwing the last pitch in the World Series. Winning the World Series, that would be my ambition."

"I did everything and I'm proud of it," he closed.

Retired life for Mariano River will consist of family vacations, working with his church and eventually acting as a mentor to minor league Yankees.

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