6 Ohio Teens Killed In Car Crash While Speeding; 19-Year-Old Driver Veered Off Road And Flipped Car Into Swamp, Trapping Teenage Passengers

On Sunday night, 8 teens from Warren, Ohio got into the Honda Passport they weren't supposed to be driving and crashed it, killing 6 of the teens.

There were 7 boys and 1 girl in the car. 19-year-old Alexis Cayson was driving the car when she veered off of the road, hit a guardrail and flipped over landing in a swamp.

2 of the 8 teens in the car were able to get out after the Honda landed in the swamp. Brian Henry (18) and Asher Lewis (15) ran a quarter mile to get help for the 6 friends still trapped in the car. They found a house and called 911.

When police and fire fighters arrived on the scene, a coldwater rescue team had to be deployed in order to get the remaining victims out of the car. One of the boys who died in the crash was thrown from the vehicle and trapped under the car. He was not found until the Honda was lifted from the water.

The State Highway Patrol, led by Lt. Brian Holt held a press conference after the crash where they determined that speed was the underline factor that caused the crash. Though they are still unsure of the exact speed the car was going at the time of the accident.

"We will not be speculating on alcohol and or drug usage pending toxicology reports," Holt said at the press conference.

The 6 teens killed in the crash were aged from 15 to 19. The high school the kids attended opened up Sunday night to offer counseling for students and their families. The school's superintendant said they would be providing their students with grief councilors beginning Monday.

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