Visine Poisoning of Girlfriend Drink Leads to Man's Arrest

An alleged Visine poisoning led to a 27-year-old mechanic's arrest in California.

The man allegedly slipped the eye drops in his girlfriend's drink following a disagreement, it's commonly known to cause diarrhea.

Shayne Carpenter was arrested by the Nevada County Sheriff's Office on Thursday in Grass Valley, California. He was charged with poisoning and domestic violence.

"He was making texts to his buddies that if 'She's going to be talking crap then she's going to be crapping,'" Lt. Steve Tripp of the Nevada County Sheriff Department told ABC News.

Carpenter's girlfriend contacted officials after seeing the texts and began feeling sick. He talked with his girlfriend as part of the investigation about the alleged poisoning over the phone.

"We got admissions from him over the phone, when he was admitting to her, that he had done this," Tripp explained.

The girlfriend whose name was not released sought treatment at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital, was treated and released.

Visine and other eye drops contain tetrahydrozoline can have adverse side effects that could lead to a coma. The general symptoms can include difficulty breathing, blurred vision, changes in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, tremors or seizures.

"It definitely will cause nausea and vomiting," Sgt. Dan Saunders said.

Carpenter arrested on Thursday was released from jail Friday after posting a $25,000 bail.

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