2 Earthquakes Rock Southern California And Southern Illinois On 2 Year Anniversary Of Deadly Quake In Japan

A 4.7 magnitude earthquake rolled through Southern California this morning, on March 11, at 9:55am.

The earthquake was centered in a desert 64 miles northeast of San Diego. It was felt through most of Southern California and shook buildings and windows in Los Angeles.

At the time the California quake began it was a 5.1 magnitude but was then downgraded to a 4.7 magnitude. There are no reports of any damages or injuries because of the earthquake.

Earlier that morning just before 1am another earthquake hit in Southern Illinois. It was a 2.7 magnitude. There are no reports of damage or injury in the Illinois earthquake either.

The two United States earthquakes hit on the same day that marks the 2-year anniversary of the devastating earthquake that hit Japan in May of 2011.

The 9.0 magnitude Japan earthquake destroyed homes and other buildings. It also caused a massive tsunami over 100-feet high.

Over 18,000 people died in the 2011 earthquake. According to the records of the National Police Agency of Japan, 15,881 of the deaths were officially documented. There are still 2,668 people classified as missing.

The Telegraph says that 90-percent of the people killed had drowned and 4.2-percent were crushed to death by debris from the earthquake.

When the tsunami crashed into Japan, it hit the Fukushima power plant. This terrified the Japanese because they feared even more death would follow as a result of radiation poisoning.

According to Bloomberg News, "80-percent of the radiation was blown into the ocean."

The people of Japan commemorated the 2-yaer anniversary of the earthquake with respectful ceremonies.  

Emperor Akihiti of Japan said in a memorial in Tokyo, "I pray that the peaceful lives of those affected can resume as soon as possible."

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