Cara Delevingne Called Out For Sarcastic Interview? 'Paper Towns' Actress Speaks Out!

Was Cara Delevingne's disastrous interview a case of cultural divide? The model-turned-actress seems to think so.

Delevingne had an awkward interview on Tuesday with the hosts of "Good Day Sacramento" where she was promoting her new film based on John Greene's book, "Paper Towns".

The uncomfortable interview with anchors Kenneth Rudulph, Marianne McClary and Mark Allen seemed to start on the wrong foot when one of the anchors called her 'Carla'. The interview went downhill from there, according to Us Weekly.

After mispronouncing her name, she was asked on air if she had bothered to read the novel on which her movie was adapted from. The Brit looked slightly annoyed when she responded.

"Uh, no. I never read the book or the script," was her sarcastic reply. "I kind of winged it. No, of course, [I did.] John Green is an incredible author, so really if you haven't read his books, you should."

The anchors then called the "Suicide Squad" actress out, saying she looked "exhausted" and "irritated", which Delevingne denied. Before she exited the interview, the anchors told her to go home and "take a nap" and perhaps "drink Red Bull".

Apparently, that wasn't the end of it, because the table of reporters continued to bash Delevingne through their Twitter accounts.

"Yeah, I could have asked a better question. That was my bad. LOL," Rudulph tweeted. However, his colleague McClary seemed determined to stand her ground.

"Check out how a true class act deals with his jillionth interview: Sir Ian McKellan (sic)!" she captioned, as she posted the actor's interview.

On Wednesday morning, though, Delevingne addressed the interview with a simple tweet, according to Entertainment Weekly. Delevingne claimed that her dry sarcasm didn't translate well to the hosts.

Actor Zach Braff backed Delevingne's tweet and even alluded to the anchors' seeming condescension with the model.

Cara Delevingne
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