Phillies Hooters Ball Girl Interrupts Spring Training Phillies Vs. Tampa Bay Rays, Catches Fair Ball, Gives to Fan [VIDEO]

A Hooters ball girl mistakenly picked up live ball during a Spring Training game Saturday at Bright House Field.

The incident occurred in Clearwater, Florida game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Tampa Bay Rays, when Rays' hitter Shelly Duncan hit a ground ball that bounced into left field foul territory.

The ball was ruled fair however a Hooters ball girl picked it up with her glove and hands it to a young fan in the crowd.

"That is a fair ball and right over the bag," a sportscaster says as its seen rolling toward the ball girl for a spring training match in Florida.

"She has no idea that she has interfered with the play," the announcer said. "But she's making a young fan very happy with that ball."

Once realizing her mistake, she returned to her seat looking rather embarrassed, covering her face with the same glove.

The girl only identified as "Priscilla" by the Tampa Bay Times was commented by Rays manager Joe Maddon, "She moved her feet well... I thought she presented her hands to the ball very well also. The overall package was very, um, efficient."

Just as the video below mentions, this is the second time this week a Hooters girl made this mistake on Bright House Field. As a similar mistake happened Wednesday, as another ball girl took a fair ball for a foul one in a game against the Washington Nationals.

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