TLC’s Duggars Spent $617 On Expensive Burger Bill In NYC After Announcing New Grandchild On NBC's Today Show [VIDEO]

The Duggars visited New York City on Monday, March 12, where the clan stopped for a lunch of burgers, fries and shakes. The entire Duggar burger bill for the lunch added up to $617.

Thankfully, Inquisitr notes, the Duggars make good money from their hit TLC reality series 19 Kids And Counting, so they could afford the burger bill.

Still, the Duggar burger bill was more than most families spend on food in an entire month. Families may wonder how such an expensive lunch could be possible.

The Duggers number 23 people in total, and they were eating burgers in Manhattan, where the price of most food items is inflated.

The restaurant where they ate, Bill's Bar & Burger, lists the price of a simple burger at $7.95. Extra meat, cheese, and other toppings cost extra. As for appetizers and sides, the restaurant offers $6 shakes, $4 fries and $8 nachos.

Given those prices for 23 people, and it seems like the Duggars were able to get a bargain for New York.

The Duggars visit New York City regularly for appearances on NBC's Today show.

This week, they were in New York to announce the birth of the family's third grandchild.

Josh, 25, and Anna, 24, appeared on the NBC morning show with other family members to announce their pregnancy. The child is expected to be born in June 2013.

Prior to setting up the TLC show and becoming a reality star, Jim Bob Duggar, the patriarch of the family, worked several jobs to support his continually growing family.

Given their love of children and family, the Duggars will likely announce another coming baby sometime soon.

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