Taylor Swift’s Unopened Fan Mail Discovered In Dumpster, Forgotten And Trashed; Spokeswoman Says All Letters Are Read Then Recycled

Taylor Swift's fan mail was found in a dumpster in a South Nashville over the weekend of March 10 and 11.

Swift's fan mail was discovered unopened by Nashville resident Kylee Francescan, who was throwing away her own items at the dumpster.

Francescan told Nashville's News 2 Investigates, "There were like hundreds of letters in there to Taylor Swift and I'm like, 'Oh my gosh!' I didn't know if they were stolen [or] discarded, so I threw them in a box. And I'm like, 'Somebody needs to let Taylor know.'"

Taylor Swift's trashed fan mail had come from all over the world and was covered in pictures, hearts and sparkles. They had been addressed to Taylor Swift Entertainment at a P.O. Box address in Hendersonville, Tennessee.

Francescan told News 2 that she didn't open any of the letters, and that she though Swift would want to know about the discarded fan mail.

"It did bother me [because] I know how much her fans mean to her," she said.

The owner of the strip mall where the P.O. Box was located told News 2 that someone from Swift's staff periodically picks up the fan mail.

On Monday, News 2 reporter Andy Cordan brought the letters to Swift's record label, Big Machine Records.

A spokesman for the record company said he didn't know why the letters were in the dumpster, according to News 2.

The news station continued to investigate on behalf of Francescan, and contacted Swift's management team. The team said in a release that they were unaware of the fan mail's existence, but that they were very concerned about the matter.

"Taylor gets thousands of fan letters everyday and they are delivered to her management office. After the letters are opened and read, they are recycled," spokesperson Paula Erickson said.

Erickson continued, "The only explanation for any letters being unopened would be that a small batch of mail that was supposed to be delivered to Taylor was accidentally put with letters headed for the recycling center...we plan to immediately pick up the mail."

The letters have reportedly been given to a messenger from Swift's public relations firm.

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