Prince Charles Is Feeling Old But Looking Forward To Being A Grandpa [VIDEO]

There is nothing like having a grandchild to make a person feel old - and royalty is no exception!

Prince Charles said in a recent interview that preparing for the upcoming birth of his first grandchild has him feeling old.

The 64-year-old prince was a guest on the BBC1 show Countryfile this week for the 25th anniversary of the program. Prince Charles was interviewed in the gardens outside his Highgrove estate in Gloucestershire.

He reflected his feelings about his son Prince William and daughter-in-law Kate Middleton's pregnancy. When asked if becoming a grandfather made him sense his age, Prince Charles responded matter-of-factly.

"Of course it does, because you can't believe, to a certain extent, that's going to happen in your life," he said. "It's a lovely thought and I look forward enormously to that relationship with a grandchild."

Countryfile is an outdoors show, so the Prince's interview turned the baby talk a little more serious. He continued by urging people to be environmentally conscious for the sake of future generations.

"We need to think about what kind of world we're handing on to our successors, particularly our grandchildren," he said. "It should make us reflect a bit how we do things so that we don't ruin it for them. That's why it's so important to work in harmony with nature rather than somehow thinking we can ignore or dominate or separate ourselves from nature."

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their little bundle of joy in July.

While no gender has been announced yet, the mommy-to-be may accidentally said that she is having a girl.

After being handed a white teddy bear, Kate reportedly responded, "Thank you, I'll take that for my d--," and cut herself off mid-word. Shortly thereafter, Kate insisted they don't know the sex of the baby.

But boy or girl, soon-to-be grandpa Charles is feeling old, but is nonetheless excited about welcoming the new addition to the royal family.

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