'Suicide Squad' Actress Margot Robbie Treasures Co-Star Jared Leto's Gift; Duo Creepy In Film!

Most people would be creeped out by a gift rat, but not actress Margot Robbie, who seemed to have acquired the persona of Harley Quinn in the film "Suicide Squad."

In the August edition of Elle magazine, Margot Robbie recounted the time when Jared Leto-who's known for immersing himself into his roles-gifted her with a rat.

The rodent is named Rat Rat.

Elle reported, "It was given to her by Jared Leto, or rather, Jared Leto's character in the upcoming Batman flick Suicide Squad, in which he plays the Joker. Several crew members suggested killing it, but Robbie kept the rat."

Margot Robbie explained, "If Harley [her character in Suicide Squad] got something from Joker, she'd probably cherish it."

In the comics, Harley Quinn is Joker's girlfriend. She was previously a psychiatrist at the Arkham Asylum where Joker was committed and fell in love with Batman's nemesis. Although not many people know it, but the villainess actually has some superhuman capabilities like heightened strength and durability as well as agility.

Speaking about "Suicide Squad," the trailer that was dropped on Comic-Con showed just how creepy Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn and Jared Leto's Joker are.

"In this trailer she's in fully on crazy mode: we see her swinging from the bars of her isolated cell, licking the bars, firing guns and generally looking pretty psychotic. VERY different to the glamorous, stylish Margot we saw opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street, right?!" said UK's Reveal.

The article continued, "Most of the hype surrounding the movie has revolved around Jared Leto's Joker character - but he only makes a very brief appearance at the very end of the trailer."

The trailer shows Jared Leto uttering the words, "I'm not gonna to kill ya, I'm just gonna ya. Really. Really. Bad."

It turns out that he is torturing Margot Robbie's character before she became Harley Quinn.

 "Suicide Squad" will be released in theaters on Aug. 5, 2016.

Suicide Squad
world news
Margot Robbie
jared leto
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