Gwyneth Paltrow Elimination Diet Revealed In New Cookbook ‘It’s All Good’; Says Kids Apple And Moses Are “Intolerant Of Gluten, Dairy, Eggs” And More

Gwyneth Paltrow has revealed her elimination diet in her new gluten and sugar-free cookbook, It's All Good.

Paltrow is known for own strict eating and exercising rules to promote health and happiness, but she has revealed in the book that she uses the elimination diet on her children: 8-year-old Apple and 6-year-old Moses.

Paltrow talked to Hello! Magazine about her elimination diet and how it was triggered by a recent health scare.

Paltrow told the magazine that she felt so lighthearted she thought she was having a stroke, when she was really having a panic attack.

The doctor allegedly prescribed Paltrow with the elimination diet when she felt drained, fatigued, and was anemic, stressed and vitamin D-deficient.

When she had to enact a prescriptive elimination diet, she had her entire family tested for food allergies.

Paltrow added, "Everyone in my house is intolerant of gluten, dairy, chicken's eggs, among many other surprising foods."

Now, Paltrow explained, her kitchen is free of pasta, bread and rice. The lack of starches leaves her family "with that specific hunger that comes with avoiding carbs."

Interestingly, Paltrow was left with brittle bones after 11 years on the strict macrobiotic diet. However, she maintains that "every single nutritionist, doctor and health-conscious person I have ever come across...seems to concur that (gluten) is tough on the system and many of us are at best intolerant of it and at worst allergic to it."

Indeed, nutritionist Kim Pearson explained, "When it comes to grains it's true that we only started eating them in relatively recent years and some of us still struggle to digest them - gluten can be irritating. And, culprits like bread, cereals and pasta are mostly processed so not an ideal food for anyone."

She continued, "My advice is to get carbohydrates from better sources. Gluten-free brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa or vegetables including sweet potatoes, carrots, beetroots and low sugar fruits such as apples, pears, citrus fruits, berries are all great. But, if Paltrow was banning her children from eating all carbs then I would be worried!"

Most nutritionists seem to agree that cutting out carbs from children's diets is a bad idea.

Top nutritionist Ian Marber warns, "Cutting carbs from kids' diets is extreme. Limit them by all means, with an explanation as to why, but it's not possible to cut them out altogether unless you plan on never letting them out of your sight, or controlling what they eat forever."

Marber continued to stress the importance of educating kids on nutrition.

He said, "Demonizing carbs is a naïve step that doesn't help anyone. Educate children on the value of the complex ones and warn them about the simple sugary ones, but don't ban them."

Paltrow's elimination-diet based book will be released on April 2.

The book will offer 185 'restorative' dishes that are sugar-free, vegetarian, non-alcoholic and wheat free. 

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Gwyneth Paltrow
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