Medieval Knight Found Buried Under University Construction Site In Edinburgh, Scotland

A medieval knight was found by workers constructing a new research building for a Scottish University in Old Town Edinburgh.

The workers found the remains of a medieval Scottish Knight beneath the construction site.

The medieval knight was found in the area of what used to be the Black Friars Monastery, founded by Alexander II King of Scotland. The monastery was destroyed in 1558 as a result of the Protestant Reformation.

The knight would have paid the friars a fee in order to be buried on Holy ground. The construction workers found the medieval knight beneath a sandstone slab decorated with the markings of a cross and sword. This let archeologists who later exhumed the skeleton know that the man was in fact a knight.

Archeologists and forensic scientists will work with the skeleton to try and learn as much as they can about the life and death of the medieval knight.

Ross Murray was the head archeologist at the site. He studied at the former archeology building, which was located at the High School Yards. He told reporters, "We knew the history of the High School Yards site while we were studying here, but I never imagined I would be back here to make such an incredible discovery."

The excavation site also revealed other graves, including those of children.

Andy Kerr is the director of the ECCI, The Edinburgh Center for Carbon Innovation; it is their research building being constructed on the site where the grave was found. He told reporters, "This Knight is an extraordinary and exciting find."

The discovery of the Medieval Knight comes just months after another skeleton was found beneath a parking lot in Leicester, England.

The remains of King Richard III of England were found during an archeological dig of the area. Scientists working on the dig site were not expecting to make such an amazing find.

King Richard III is known as one of history's most notorious villains. Known as a traitor and usurper as well as for his alleged involvement in the murder of his young nephews, The Princes in the Tower.

Richard III was killed during the battle of Bosworth Field in 1485; his defeat at Bosworth by Henry VII began the reign of the most famous ruling family in English history; The Tudors.

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