Shinhwa 15th Anniversary Concert Proves That Idols Just Keep Getting Better With Age

Fifteen years after their debut, and idol group Shinhwa is still going strong.

Their 2013 Shinhwa 15th Anniversary Concert on Saturday was a high-energy affair with thousands of screaming fans.

The mix of people in the auditorium was reflective of the past, present, and future of the group. The majority of Shinhwa supporters were twenty-somethings, but there were definite sprinklings of older and younger fans throughout the Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul.

Given the timeline of the group, this was altogether not very surprising. The addition of teenagers to the mix shows Shinhwa is still a powerful and relevant act able to compete against idols ten years their junior to excite a whole new generation of fans.

There was also a strong foreign presence in the crowd as fans from Japan and China filed into their seats to join the thousands of 'Orange Princesses' in the arena.

Shinhwa entered the stage in long royal gowns and appeared before the screaming auditorium as princes or kings.

There was an uproar from the fans as they chanted "ShinhwaSan (Shinhwa Mountain)" repeatedly, a call that did not let up for the entirety of the 3 hour performance.

The first song of the show was "Only One" and the members' choreography was titillatingly sexy.

The guys performed with such passion and vigor but also seemed humble and appreciative of all the fans who came to see them Saturday night.

"They said they really appreciate that their fans always love them," said Gyu-hyun Park, a self-proclaimed life-long Shinhwa fan who was in attendance at Saturday's concert. "They believe the reason why they can exist is thanks to the fans. I think Shinhwa and the fans both think our relationship is special."

The 24-year-old Park also said the atmosphere in the room during the concert was "hot" and "excited."

Shinhwa moved around the stage a lot during their songs and were considerate of the fans up in the second floor as well, singing directly to them at one point. "It was impressive. Shinhwa was thoughtful and cared for all the fans," reported Park.

The dance moves exhibited by the Shinhwa members were equally impressive, the choreography was strong and perfectly executed. Despite the members now being in their 30's, the dancing was a powerful component of the concert.

"They were the first 'Jim-seung-dol.' It means they seem like beasts because of their muscles and powerful dancing," explained the fan. "You know how 2pm is said to be like beasts? Well Shinhwa is the original jim-seung-dol," she laughed.

At one point during the performance Min-woo hugged a Zzang-gu doll (an animation character with a striking resemblance to the singer) and then threw it in the crowd. The fan fortunate enough to catch it is said to get good luck.

Another memorable moment of the 15th anniversary concert was when the Shinhwa members wiped the sweat from each other's foreheads with tissues. The fans shouted praise and thought it was adorable. "It was so sweet," remarked Park.

At the end of the show both Dong-wan and Jun Jin removed their shirts and appeared on stage in only their undershirts exciting the screaming fans to yell even louder. Park said this was one of the highlights of the performance, "they looked so hot... because of their arm muscles!"

For the encore performance Shinhwa sang three songs, most memorable of which was "Yo." The finale was fun and playful and the fans jumped around with exuberance.

Shinhwa will release their 11th studio album next month and announced during Saturday's show that they are also going to set out on an Asian tour this summer to promote it.  The final destination of the concert tour, it was reported, will be Seoul. Which means the thousands of screaming Orange Princesses will soon have another opportunity to see their beloved Shinhwa in person.

Fifteen years of success and it doesn't seem like the guys of Shinhwa are slowing down any time soon.

And a special thanks to Gyu-hyun Park for the information and photos, glad you had a great time at the concert!

All photos credit: Gyu-hyun Park

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