Shawn Booth Still Trying To Win Ex Back? Split With Kaitlyn Bristowe Seen?

"The Bachelorette" Kaitlyn Bristowe and her fiancé Shawn Booth may seem very vocal about their growing affection towards each other, however, recent reports show that they might eventually split.

In its report on Monday, "OK" magazine revealed that the 28-year-old personal trainer was calling his ex-girlfriend several times on July 11, two weeks before "The Bachelotte" finale, but his efforts appeared futile since she never picked up.

Despite getting no response from his ex, the 30-year-old dance instructor's fiancé seemed to be determined still since he reportedly sent out a text message, instead, saying that he is "technically" engaged.

"Since they officially ended their relationship in the summer of 2012, Shawn's tried his best to get her back, but he's had no such luck," an unnamed source told the magazine.

Accordingly, the two were dating for six years after college, but on and off.

The insider further narrated that they were supposedly getting married, yet there was one issue that they could not resolve, apart from his being "a very jealous boyfriend."

"She couldn't stand being away from home," the source stated. "Their plan was to get married, but they couldn't agree on a permanent living situation and were forced to break up."

With this issue now, some may have already speculated that Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth are going to split. Then again, this is just a mere speculation since the former "Bachelorette" and his leading man have not given any word yet about the issue.

It can be recalled that during an interview with Jimmy Kimmel in his show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on July 28, a day after "The Bachelorette" season 11 finale, the couple promised to get married.

"We, Kaitlyn and Shawn B., do solemnly swear, that we are in love, that we will get married, or we will at least be together one year from today, because if we're not, this was a huge waste of everyone's time," they said repeating after the host, as quoted by "Us" magazine.

"If we are not still in a committed relationship on July 27, 2016, we will pay Jimmy Kimmel $1,000 which he may collect in a lump sum or over the next 30 years in monthly installments of $2.77! Amen," the continued.

With the recent news  everyone might already be thinking about the possibility that somehow Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth would split and that their promise would just be put to waste.

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