Some Details Shared On 'I Am Cait' Reality Show Faked? Caitlyn Jenner To Face Charges For Car Crash?

Details about Caitlyn Jenner and her transition struggles, some of which have already been shared on her reality show "I Am Cait," were allegedly faked.

In a report by "OK!" magazine, it was revealed that the 65-year-old reality star's narration of Kris Jenner's awareness of her struggles and transition attempt in the 1980s before they got married was a lie.

"He told me he had done hormones back in the early 80s ... He never really explained it," the "I Am Cait" star's former wife insisted.

She continued by saying, "There wasn't a gender issue. Nobody mentioned a gender issue. Somebody mentioned that at one point in his life liked to dress up."

Even her claim that the mother of her two daughters, Kendall and Kylie, already saw her cross-dressing before was also denied.

The magazine further narrated that her rumored affair with Candis Cayne was likewise exaggerated, considering that Cayne personally refuted it in a recent interview saying that it was done just for the "I Am Cait" reality show.

Quoting a report by Radar Online, "OK!" magazine claimed that the ESPY Arthur Ashe Courage Award conferred to the former Olympic gold medalist was reportedly inauthentic since it was her team, and not ESPN, which thought of having such citation.

Meanwhile, the possible burden that these rumors may have brought to Caitlyn Jenner could become worse as she may have to face legal charges for a car mishap, according to Quartz.

However, this is still not certain given that the district attorney still has to decide whether or not to pursue the charges. If found guilty, though, for "manslaughter" offense, she may have to serve one year in jail.

It can be recalled that the transgender celebrity was figured in a vehicular accident in February while she was allegedly driving her SUV at an unsafe speed in the Pacific Coast Highway which resulted to the death of 69-year-old Kim Howe.

With "I Am Cait" reality show reportedly not picking up in the ratings game and these issues now, Caitlyn Jenner may have a lot of things to look into this time.

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