Kate Middleton News: Duchess Had 2 Nose Jobs? Other Royal Secrets Revealed

A recent news report has accused Kate Middleton of having undergone a number of plastic surgeries, including two nose jobs, in order to look picture-perfect.

Quoting the latest edition of "OK!" magazine, Celebrity Dirty Laundry shared that the 33-year-old Duchess of Cambridge's "natural beauty" is not true at all.

An insider disclosed that a certain "Dr. X," a renowned plastic surgeon, has already done several procedures on Prince William's wife.

"The Duchess of Cambridge has had two rhinoplasty surgeries," the unnamed source said.

"The first was a graduation present to herself in 2005, and it wasn't Dr. X' work. It was off kilter with the rest of her face so adjustments were made in 2011 that made a real difference to her face," the source added.

Apart from making her nose appear more appealing, the said news also revealed that Kate Middleton had another surgery after giving birth to Prince George and Princess Charlotte. This time, she had her breasts lifted in order "to be as perky as before."

These and other plastic surgery-related whereabouts of the royal family are reportedly coming out in "Dr. X's" book.

The doctor surely has a lot to share especially that he has been working for them for quite a while already. Accordingly, the royal family is doing their best to block the release of the said book which also accounts the Duchess' plastic surgery stories.

Meanwhile, "OK!" magazine made some revelations about the royals through a photo story, as bared by the royal bodyguards.

It was learned that since the family is not a fan of tattoos, Prince Harry secretly had his butt inked but using only with a temporary ink.

Prince William, on the other hand, needed to wear a wig at times when doing charity works to evade the prying eyes of the press.

Another interesting revelation was the Cambridges' love for music that they even built a karaoke room inside their mansion.

"They sing a lot of '80s rock and they love Elton John," the source stated.

In other news, Kate Middleton and Prince William are constructing a tennis court worth £60,000 at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, according to Mail Online.

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