Delayed Release Date Of George R.R. Martin's 'Winds Of Winter' Means Different Storyline For HBO's 'Games Of Thrones?'

George R. R. Martin has accepted the fact that the events at "Game of Thrones" would move ahead of the "Winds of Winter" as the release date is still in limbo.

According to Winter is Coming website, the author attended the Sasquan sci-fi convention and was quizzed during the Q&A portion about his sentiments on the "Game of Thrones" moving at a fast pace.

He replied, "The show is moving forward like a locomotive, or sometimes a jet locomotive. They're writing 60-page scripts, I'm writing 1,500-page novels. So who the hell knows?"

" There was a period where I was worried about that," he continued. "Then I said, to hell with that. Worrying about it isn't going to change it one way or another. I still sit down at the typewriter, and I have to write the next scene and the next sentence ... I'm just going to tell my story, and they're telling their story and adapting my books, and we shall see."

George R. R. Martin was quoted by the Entertainment Weekly earlier about wanting to announce the "Winds of Winter" release date before "Game of Thrones" season 6 airs in April next year.

In an interview with D'Brickashaw Ferguson of the New York Jets, George R. R. Martin assured fans that they can both enjoy "Game of Thrones" and the novels at the same time.

George R. R. Martin said, "I know some of my readers get very obsessed about any changes, but there have to be changes simply because of transition. The books are 1,500 pages long in manuscript. We would still be in the first season if we were doing literally every scene and every page of dialogue and every character."

"You have to cut things, combine things, try to streamline things, make difficult choices. People should realize that."

The author also said that the release date of "Winds of Winter" will be announced first on his blog.

George R.R. Martin
world news
Game of Thrones
Winds of Winter
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