Kendall Jenner Wants Kylie’s Hairstyle Freedom, As She’s Been Told That She ‘Shouldn’t Mess’ With Her Long Straight Black Hair

Kylie Jenner is jealous of her sister Kylie for having the freedom to change her hairstyle without having to wait for anyone's consent. 

"Kendall is really jealous of Kylie's freedom when it comes to her hair," an inside source told Hollywood Life

"She can go blue for a while, blonde, put it in cornrows, dreadlocks and cut it however she likes. Kendall has been told that designers and advertisers really like her long straight black hair and that she shouldn't mess with it. She won't get the top notch modeling jobs if she has bleached or blue hair."

The up-and-coming model made headlines earlier this month after she and longtime best friend Hailey Baldwin received matching broken heart tattoos on their middle fingers. 

Although many of their social media fans quickly jumped to the conclusion that their meaning was related to their past breakups, those rumors have been dispelled. 

The two models decided to get the tattoos as a way to reflect the "best friend forever" necklaces that were popular during the '90s, Entertainment Tonight reports. 

Kendall and Kylie Jenner are reported to be in the very beginning stages of planning their own reality spinoff television series. The news comes weeks after it was announced that Caitlyn Jenner will be launching her "I Am Cait" series. 

"We would love the opportunity to do that show," Bunim/Murray official Gil Goldschein told The Hollywood Reporter. Bunim/Murray is the production company that works on all of the Kardashian familyseries.  

"There haven't been any discussions, but if that were of interest to them, certainly I would hope that they would talk to us about that possibility," he added.

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