Jimmy Fallon Injury News: Host Hiding Marriage Troubles As Police Rejects 911 Call Release?

Rumors have surfaced that Jimmy Fallon's injury news may be hiding something about his life after the police have declined releasing to a gossip website the recording of his 911 calls regarding them.

As reported by Radar Online, they have been trying to get records regarding Fallon's freak accident in June by invoking the Freedom of Information Act but were not granted access to it.

"Such information, if disclosed, would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy," a personnel of the New York Police Department Legal Bureau told the source above.

Commenters on the report immediately wondered why the police refused to release the information. Some guessed that the Jimmy Fallon injury news may be purportedly connected to his alleged marriage troubles. Other thought it might something more serious like a purported alcohol or drug problem as told in some gossip websites.

Fallon's camp has yet to address the said rumors but he has clarified last month, in an interview with TMZ that he's without a ring for now because it apparently got damaged during the accident and he won't be able to wear it for a while.

"I don't think as a ring maybe as a necklace," he teasingly said.

Fallon himself has insisted after being discharged from the hospital that his finger injury happened after he tripped on a rug at home.

"So basically what happened is, I tripped and fell in my kitchen on a braided rug that my wife loves and I can't wait to burn it to the ground," he explained during his "Tonight Show" comeback as quoted by Us Weekly. "I tripped and fell and I caught my fall... I'm getting up and my finger is sideways."

Just last week, news of another Jimmy Fallon injury surfaced after got into another freak accident. He chipped his tooth while opening the medicine bottle his finger injury.

Jimmy Fallon injury news
New York Police Department
911 call
marriage troubles
finger injury
Tonight show
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